Posted: 14th Mar, 2003 By: MarkJ
Chafford Hundred (Essex) has managed to obtain 476 broadband ADSL pre-registrants, something that many areas of the UK would die for.
Despite this achievement BT still hasn't set a trigger level, let alone enabled the exchange:
BT has told El Reg that it is currently doing the costing to determine at what level the threshold should be. Unfortunately, it's not in a position yet to say when the results of that process will be known.
According to the Chafford Hundred campaign Web site, Mesh Broadband has recently announced that its wireless network service is available in the Chafford Hundred area.
Ah ha, so is this why BT is not being forthcoming about giving Chafford ADSL? Afraid of the competition, eh? "Absolutely not," said a BT spokesman.More @
The Register.