Posted: 12th Nov, 2003 By: MarkJ
NTL is preparing to launch a new premium broadband content service for its 600Kbps and 1Mbps subscribers called '
Broadband Plus'. The content itself will be mainly entertainment / music related, although a public launch date has yet to be announced:
When the service does launch, current subscribers to ntl's 600Kbps and 1Mbps services will apparently receive three months free access to the premium content available. Thereafter, subscribers who wish to continue receiving the content will have to pay £3.99 per month.
Content to be found on the service is mainly entertainment in nature - Tweenies on Demand from BBCi, a 24/7 music video channel from MTV, known as MTV Live, more music videos from the likes of VidZone and, and Internet gaming from details can be found @
DigitalSpy and by visiting the, as yet unofficial, Broadband Plus site (linked at the top).