Posted: 10th Sep, 2009 By: MarkJ

A homing pigeon called '
Winston' has successfully transferred 4GigaByte's (GB) of data on a memory card between two 50 mile apart Durban (South Africa) companies in the space of just over 2 hours, while the same amount of data had barely managed 4% over the firm’s broadband link.
Furthermore the financial services company believes that it can train the pigeons and give them a speed boost to deliver 4GB in just 45mins, compared with 6 hours by broadband. Admittedly reliability and Service Level Agreements (SLA) with this kind of service would be rather troublesome to guarantee, especially if Winston were to meet up with a Hawk along the way for dinner.. *yum*.
Still the
Metro article does at least give us hope for the future of
Digital Britain. Actually it's probably better if nobody mentions this news item to any of our politicians because they'd adopt it. No really, they would! :cheese: . For added comedy value I've categorised this as Mobile Broadband news.