Posted: 23rd Mar, 2010 By: MarkJ

UK based BT informs us that its 'up to' 24Mbps ADSL2+ and 21st Century Network ( 21CN ) based Wholesale Broadband Connect (WBC) product, which should be available to more than 16 million UK homes and businesses by winter 2010, has just connected its 1 millionth end-user.
Sian Baldwin, BT Wholesale’s director of broadband and content services, said:
"This is a fantastic milestone which has been achieved due to unprecedented demand for the product since January this year.
We are delighted that WBC is ensuring our wholesale customers are at the heart of the broadband revolution occurring in the UK today. Our investment is helping communications providers meet their customers growing demand for high-speed access to a range of online services - including television, gaming and multiple VoIP services.
But we are not stopping here – we are extending our coverage and delivering even greater availability as a priority so that we have enabled exchanges serving 20 million UK homes and business by spring 2011; whilst at the same time continuing to roll-out WBC fibre services to over four million UK homes and business."
It's important to note that the above announcement focuses primarily on BT's latest ADSL2+ service and not the other products based off WBC, such as its new 'up to' 40Mbps Fibre-to-the-Cabinet ( FTTC ) service. Further details about the status of BT's current WBC rollout were posted last week in full -