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Virgin Media UK Launches Digital Home Support Service

Posted: 15th Apr, 2010 By: MarkJ
virginmediaCable giant and broadband ISP Virgin Media UK has replaced its PC Helpline product with a new Digital Home Support service that is designed to help fix technical problems with hardware, software and operating systems using the latest remote control software technology.

Digital Home Support offers a higher level of support than Virgin's standard help lines, including coverage of non-Virgin products, and includes an online chat facility. Remote control technology will also allow their staff access to your computer without having to wait for a technician to visit.

All Virgin Media broadband customers can download the new Digital Home Support Hub - a free desktop application which includes PC healthcheck and optimisation software to help your computer remain protected from viruses and optimised for Virgin's "ultrafast" broadband.

Jon James, Executive Director of Broadband at Virgin Media, said:

"A lack of computer knowledge combined with a lack of easily accessed support is leading to massive consumer frustration. Our research found evidence of customers so frustrated with fixing PC problems, they ended up buying a new PC when only a simple fix was needed.

As customers demand more and more from their PCs and ultrafast broadband; we're launching the UK's best value help service from any ISP, both to help customers get the most out of their PCs and home devices, and to help them fix annoying everyday problems.

With one in ten internet users needing help with a technology problem at any point in time, Virgin Media Digital Home Support offers a comprehensive service exclusive for Virgin Media customers that uses new 'remote control technology to allow specialist technicians to fix 95% of problems remotely and without the need for customers to hang on the phone or wait for a technician to visit."

Sadly such products are rarely free. Subscriptions start at £6 per month for Single Computer Support to £10 for Total Support. Alternatively, non-subscribers can receive a one-off Quick Fix for £30 or a one-off Big Fix for £60. Ouch.
* Single Computer Support enables customers to get ongoing help with fixing problems on their main computer whenever they like.

* Total Support gives customers help on up to 3 computers and all their digital gadgets from printers, cameras, games consoles, PDAs and more.

* Quick Fix covers help on things like wireless setup and troubleshooting (configuring on one device), Support on software install, peripherals/devices and resolving connection Issues.

* Big Fix covers things like help on setting a full wireless home network, Virus Removal and full PC Optimization, New PC Setup and File Transfer and Installing or upgrading operating systems.
Digital Home Support will apparently assess the issue over the phone - customers can stay on the phone while they complete the fix or swap over to an online chat session. It's certainly not cheap and we see no offer of a refund if the technician fails to resolve your problem but Virgin do at least offer a "no fix no fee" policy on the one-off fixes. On the other hand calling out an I.T man or taking your computer to PC World isn't cheap either. Virgin informs us that they are "able to resolve about 95% of issues".

UPDATE 12:31pm

Made some small additions to the last paragraph following a notice from Virgin in our inbox.
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