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Entanet UK Demands ISPs Get Equal Representation in Copyright Treaty

Posted: 29th Apr, 2010 By: MarkJ
entanetCommunications and networking provider Entanet UK has demanded that Internet Service Providers (ISP) be "adequately represented" in the ACTA talks. The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) threatens to leave ISPs with "no alternative other than to monitor the internet traffic of consumers" for unlawful copyright file sharing.

Entanet notes that the entertainment industry lobbyists (Rights Holders) have been privy throughout the ACTA discussions yet the Internet industry and the public had until recently been kept in the dark. Very democratic.

Darren Farnden, Entanet’s Head of Marketing, said on their BLOG:

"We also believe that the Internet industry should be adequately represented in these talks. Lobbyists from the entertainment industry have already been privy to the discussions yet the Internet industry has had no voice, to ensure fairness and reduce the potential for bias we request that the Internet industry be afforded the same level of involvement."

Entanet's voice will join that of the European Internet Service Providers Association (EuroISPA), which represents over 1700 EU ISPs including the UK ISPA, in warning that ACTA could introduce damaging measures. Sadly governments no longer appear to care about the technical, legal or moral arguments of what they're doing.

Related News:
EU and UK Internet Providers Slam Privacy Invading ACTA Trade Agreement (23rd April)
Draft ACTA Treaty Could Make EU and UK ISPs Into Copyright Police (21st April)
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