Posted: 22nd Sep, 2011 By: MarkJ

The UK communications regulator , Ofcom , has today published its latest
quarterly telecoms market complaints data for Q2-2011 (April to June 2011) and revealed that TalkTalk is still the country's "
most complained about" phone and broadband ISP.
Ofcom's data showed that, despite some improvement, it received the
most complaints about TalkTalk with 0.8 complaints per 1000 customers for its telephone services and 0.58 complaints per 1000 customers for its broadband ISP packages. Meanwhile BT was the only ISP to see a rise in complaints. By contrast the
least complained about provider in both fields was Virgin Media UK.
Elsewhere Three (3) managed the rack up the
most complaints in the mobile operators category (0.14 complaints per 1000 customers), which is up significantly from 0.11 in the previous quarter thanks to an increase in complaints about customer billing and service issues. By contrast the BEST, by quite a margin, was O2 UK (0.02). The rest kind of hovered around the middle.
As usual Ofcom's data only includes providers with a 4% market share (the threshold applied in the initial report was 5%) who generate at least 30 complaints in a month. This makes for a limited but still useful reflection of the wider market as many people with complaints never take them to an ADR scheme or Ofcom directly (the regulator is not able to handle individual complaints).