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Fusion Fibre Group Joins MS3’s Full Fibre Broadband ISP Network

Monday, Feb 19th, 2024 (12:38 pm) - Score 2,440

The Fusion Fibre Group, which until this month’s rebrand was previously known as rural UK ISP and network operator FACTCO, has today announced that they’ve become the latest internet provider to join MS3’s new 10Gbps capable Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP) broadband network in the North of England.

MS3, which is backed by investment from Asterion, is currently in the process of deploying their new network across 30 locations in the North of England – mostly around East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. The operator ultimately aims to reach 535,000 UK premises by the end of 2025 and has so far (4th Jan 2024) covered 174,261 homes (142,538 RFS), which is up from 158,779 premises (119,139 RFS) on 2nd Nov 2023.

Similarly, the Fusion Fibre Group has tended to focus on serving customers in Hull, Scunthorpe, Grimsby, Immingham, Cleethorpes and Mexborough.


Adrian Marshman, MD of Fusion Fibre Group, said:

“It’s an exciting time for Fusion Fibre Group. Our recent rebrand has allowed us to fuse together all areas of our expertise to offer a brand that truly represents who we are and what we’re working to achieve. Partnering with MS3 plays a key role in our expansion plan.

Access to MS3’s fibre network will allow us to connect customers in areas that have been historically difficult to reach. We can now provide connections to more than 15 million properties across the UK.”

The language around “connections” above may cause some confusion because that could be confused with customers, but we think what they actually mean is availability via premises passed (i.e. across their various network partners). On the other hand, none of the Openreach and CityFibre postcodes we tried via their website seemed to return a result, thus we’re unsure how they’ve reached that figure of 15 million.

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By Mark Jackson
Mark is a professional technology writer, IT consultant and computer engineer from Dorset (England), he also founded ISPreview in 1999 and enjoys analysing the latest telecoms and broadband developments. Find me on X (Twitter), Mastodon, Facebook, BlueSky, Threads.net and .
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8 Responses


  1. Avatar photo Amanda butter says:

    I will never sign up to Any new broadband company using poles

    1. Avatar photo Nick says:

      That’s good to know that you’re never get fttp.

    2. Avatar photo RightSaidFred says:

      Until that time where you switch ISPs without realising that they are on another network. At which point it becomes too late.

      In any event, the pole would already be there and you’d be chopping off your nose to spite your face.

    3. Avatar photo Line Dancer says:

      Czech, mate. 🙂

    4. Avatar photo Ben says:

      Are there any companies which don’t use poles?!

  2. Avatar photo Nick Roberts says:

    Common sense question . . unrelated to Mr and Mrs Chopin and compardraes . in the picture, why doesn’t the conduit carrying the fibre line from the street extend all the way up to the junction box ?

    Surely leaving a gap in the conduit leaves the fibre exposed to damage ( from rats and pets, garden equipment, vandalism). Further because the end of the conduit is up-standing, with the end unsealed, its just going to act as a entry point for water,all manner of creepy-crawlies and dirt and muck. Not a good idea.

    Is this the fibre installers version of the plumber leaving a nail in the newly installed galvanised cold-water tank i.e. many happy return visits by a service engineer ?

    Please don’t tell me its a OFCOM or ITU requirement
    This Company will go far !

    1. Avatar photo Big Dave says:

      To be fair all the companies do this and I’ve seen Openreach installs not protected at all in fact they seem to direct Bury them across gardens at a depth well within the reach of a fork or spade.

  3. Avatar photo Sean says:

    To be honest I went to this new fttp where instead of putting a normal telephone box on the wall they put a little white box with 3 little green leds and this little box needs constant power for thr phone line, if you loose your power you loose your phone line so went looking online for ups for this type of thing & came across a company called UPS centre & they done a ups for around £50 including vat which i thought was quite reasonable so if ever the power goes off atleast i don’t loose my phone line, might be worth looking into

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