Software as a service provider X3T, which recently merged with Strategic Imperatives and also provides an aggregation platform to help UK alternative broadband ISP networks grow, has today appointed BT’s former CEO, Gavin Patterson, to its board. But he’s not the only high profile appointment.
In case anybody has forgotten, Gavin Patterson led BT Group from 2013-2019 as CEO and served as a board director for 11 years before becoming President of Salesforce between 2019-2023. Patterson has now joined X3T’s board and so has Derek McManus, who previously served as COO at Telefonica UK (O2) for over a decade.
Finally, Thomas P. O’Neill, the Founder and CEO of O’Neill and Associates, a US-based public relations and government affairs consulting firm, is also appointed to the board.
Patterson said:
“The UK and European fibre markets have become a highly competitive landscape. While constructing new fibre infrastructure is a critical first step, the key to achieving ubiquitous high-speed connectivity will be to empower network operators and service providers to work together to scale customer connections.
X3T’s recent merger with industry leader, Strategic Imperatives, creates an exciting opportunity to establish Strategic Imperatives’ Fibre Café platform as the number one unified interface to the fibre ecosystem, and further expand its industry leading billing platform, Elevate.”
David McCourt, Founder and Chairman of Granahan McCourt Capital, said:
“The appointment of Gavin, Derek and Tom further demonstrates our ambition and commitment to deliver for our loyal and growing customer base. It’s hard to find so much telecom, software, regulatory and operating experience in three people, and we are very fortunate to have the opportunity to welcome them to our team as we accelerate our investment and rollout of industry leading solutions to improve the fibre ecosystem.”
Established by worldwide telecom investors, Granahan McCourt Capital, X3T originally launched in 2022 with financial backing from Asterion Industrial Partners, Oak Hill Advisors, Tetrad and Twin Point Capital.
So after the land grab, the next area everyone, absolutely everyone, is piling into is the wholesale and billing platforms.
It doesn’t take a genius to work out that retail ISPs won’t be dealing with loads of wholesale platforms. It’s not going to end well.