I recently left my Sky Fibre connection due to both the price and lack of Static IP at my exchange and firstly moved to Plusnet (due to the cost mainly).
Having done so, I can see why they're so cheap, mainly that their customer service and billing services are atrocious.
Having had a couple of disagreements with them and their promises being worthless, they agreed to let me leave my contract so I went searching for another provider.
Having decided that customer service was a lot more important to me than just plain cheap, I found some positive reviews for little known Cloudscape Connect.
All the reviews I read were positive and while not being quite as cheap I felt it was worth a go.
I signed up on a Sunday morning, which was absolutely painless using their online service and paid the required £5 deposit (which is credited to your first bill).
Sure enough the following day Cloudscape sent me details of my broadband username, password and Static IP (which was bundled in free with my Fibre 80/20 package).
They confirmed my activation date and promptly answered a few questions I had about my upcoming activation.
Sure enough on the morning of my activation I changed the details in my router to the Cloudscape provided ones and everything worked well. Speeds identical to Plusnet with my ping times slightly reduced (18ms to 15ms).
Everything worked fine until the following morning when Plusnet decided to cut off my phone line.
This is when the benefit of Cloudscape came into its own.
Having contacted Cloudscape, I received a phone call from Kevin who diagnosed my problem, and really pulled out all the stops.
Within 3 hours I had a fully working phone line again and within 24 hours my fibre broadband was back at full speed.
When I contacted Cloudscape I was getting answers in minutes, when I contacted Plusnet to see what they had done and why I was on hold for at least 20 minutes a time and even then getting absolutely nowhere.
Having service like this really is worth the extra couple of quid a month.
Cloudscape being one of the smaller providers, don't bundle in a router for free (although you can buy one from them as part of the sign up), which may not suit everyone but was best for me given my Plusnet one is gathering dust in the corner. So I was more than free to use my Openreach modem and Asus router.
My service has only been going for a short time, but based on initial impressions I can honestly not praise Cloudscape (and especially Kevin) enough.
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