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Members of our reader review system can login here to review their provider. Please note that the system will prevent the use of more than one account type per person (multiple accounts are considered abuse).
IMPORTANT: This system is separate from our forum database (please make a new account to review an ISP). If you posted a review prior to 10th August 2018 then your email address and review should still exist, but in order to add new reviews you must Reset Your Password.
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If choosing to login via Twitter or Facebook you agree to securely store your contact details with ISPreview and we will NEVER share this with any third-party that is not part of this system's internal development; except your display name (shown on public reviews).
Privacy Notice
In order for visitors to post a review it is necessary for to collect some basic personal details for our membership database. We will collect your email address, display name, IP address and some general details about your web session (e.g. cookie, browser ID) in order to manage the system security, account verification and your login session.

All data is transferred to our separate database server using a secure (encrypted) https web connection. We will not use these details for any purpose other than to manage the review system.

We will store this data for as long as the system remains operational, so that you can return to add or update your review(s). At any time members may request its deletion by emailing Mark.J with appropriate identification (Contact). Please note that we do sometimes prune the database, at which point inactive accounts or those who abuse the system may be removed.

NOTE 1: If you login via a social network then reviews will show your public display name (i.e. Twitter @Handle or Name on Facebook). We recommend that if you don't want your Facebook name to be shown then you should signup above instead of using the social media login, which will allow you to choose a custom / anonymous name.

NOTE 2: If you wish to change your password then simply go to the 'Lost Password' feature above in order to request a reset link via email. This is not relevant for users who login via Facebook or Twitter.

Check out our 'Privacy Policy', 'Terms of Service' and 'Reader Review Rules' below for more.
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  11. Virgin Media (1812)
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