The UK Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has banned a direct mailing advert for BT’s Total Broadband service after a consumer complained that the promotion was misleading because it failed to state that a monthly usage allowance of 10GB applied to the package.
BT countered that the website’s landing page clearly stated the monthly usage limit of 10GB (GigaBytes) and that its sales agents were also expected to make this clear as part of the sign-up process. However the ASA warned that the use limit was “material information” and should have been stated on the direct mailing itself.
ASA Assessment (Complaint Ref: A13-223609)
We considered that the usage limit for a broadband offer was material information which was likely to affect a consumer’s decision to take up the offer and therefore should have been made clear in the mailing itself. We concluded that the mailing was misleading by omission because it did not include that information.
As usual the ASA banned the advert and told BT to ensure that any future mailings referenced the usage allowance and any other material information.
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