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News - April - 2010

30th Apr, 2010 11:56 AM
The Liberal Democrat Party leader, Nick Clegg, has been voted top of a YouTube UK poll for his video answer to the controversial Digital Economy Act Bill (DEA). Clegg described "the way that the [bill] was rammed through Parliament at the last minute" as a "stitch-up". Sadly Clegg himself did not turn up to vote against it.

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30th Apr, 2010 11:26 AM
Broadband provider Eclipse Internet has reported seeing a massive 118% increase in online traffic to video streaming sites (e.g. BBC iPlayer UK), compared to the first of the three live leaders debates. Last night's final showdown between the party leaders also had a 26% increase in traffic, compared to the streaming statistics from last week.

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30th Apr, 2010 07:21 AM
Unsurprisingly Be Broadband has quietly confirmed that it too will in the near future be adding a phone line rental / voice calls product to its range of internet access packages. BE's parent company, O2 UK, are of course about to launch a similar service and so it makes sense for BE to follow suit.

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30th Apr, 2010 07:03 AM
Mobile operator Three (3) has found that 71% of British people believe portable Wi-Fi access in a car, where up to five passengers can connect to Wi-Fi devices, would be useful for work and entertainment while travelling (except for the driver :smirk:).

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29th Apr, 2010 07:36 AM
Last month Ofcom promised to take tougher action after revealing that many UK ISPs were only meeting some aspects of its Code of Practice (CoP) on broadband speeds and failing in other areas (here). Today the regulator has released the full results of its study, including individual ISP data.

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29th Apr, 2010 07:04 AM
BSkyB ( Sky Broadband ) has released its latest set of quarterly results to 31st March 2010, which reveals that they have maintained a steady level of +101,000 quarterly net broadband additions and are currently home to a total of 2,505,000 internet access customers.

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29th Apr, 2010 00:01 AM
Communications and networking provider Entanet UK has demanded that Internet Service Providers (ISP) be "adequately represented" in the ACTA talks. The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) threatens to leave ISPs with "no alternative other than to monitor the internet traffic of consumers" for unlawful copyright file sharing.

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28th Apr, 2010 11:39 AM
The British Phonographic Industry (BPI), a trade body representing the UK music industry, has reported a 1.4% annual increase in total trade income for 2009 of £928.8m (excludes live shows and performance royalties). Revenues from digital services in 2009, such as broadband internet streaming and legal music download sites, grew by a staggering 47.8% to hit £188.9m (£127.8m in 2008).

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28th Apr, 2010 09:04 AM
New research from Garlik, an online identity specialist, has found that a third of households in the capital are at risk from cybercriminals thanks to poor or no security settings on their home wireless Wi-Fi networks. As a result of the Digital Economy Act these homes could also be under threat of ISP disconnection.

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28th Apr, 2010 08:36 AM
Cable giant Virgin Media UK has reported its latest first quarter 2010 results, revealing that its broadband ISP subscriber base had grown from 4,103,500 in Q4-2009 to 4,179,700 in Q1-2010. This highlights a fairly strong and stable rate of growth with 76,200 net consumer broadband additions.

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28th Apr, 2010 07:59 AM
The latest Point Topic study has found that 35% of all families with kids in the UK, over 4 million children, do not have easy broadband internet access at home. The research warns that such children are left at a significant disadvantage in an online world and will also remain disconnected from the socialising of their connected peers.

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28th Apr, 2010 07:08 AM
Leaders of the UK Labour and opposition Conservative party, Gordon Brown (PM) and David Cameron respectively, have now both given their reply to a question put by the Student Room that asked whether they would reconsider the controversial Digital Economy Bill Act.

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27th Apr, 2010 13:08 PM
Home and business ISP Demon Internet (THUS Group, Cable & Wireless), which for the past few years has been in subscriber decline and is currently home to less than 100,000 customers, today announces plans to formally re-launch itself towards the end of next month (May 20th).

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27th Apr, 2010 12:43 PM
The free and popular broadband internet music streaming service, Spotify, has today announced a new (v0.4.3) "evolution of its service" that will see music sharing between users become common. The move could also help legal music take a bigger bite out of unlawful copyright p2p file sharing by ISP customers, although it's worth remembering that music downloads which you can take away with you will still cost money.

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27th Apr, 2010 06:10 AM
Business internet provider Timico has announced that its new range of 'up to' 40Mbps Fibre-to-the-Cabinet ( FTTC ) based fibre optic broadband packages ('Timico Fibre Broadband') will launch early next month. The service will also offer upload speeds of 'up to' 10Mbps.

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27th Apr, 2010 02:03 AM
ISP Kingston Communications ( KCOM Group , Karoo , Eclipse Internet ) has warned that, regardless of which political party comes to power on 6th May, the delivery of "sustainable broadband for all" must be the goal. KCOM also criticised the often touted headline speed of 100Mbps and suggests that 10Mbps is more realistic for actual consumer requirements.

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27th Apr, 2010 00:57 AM
Mobile operator Vodafone UK has refreshed its 30 day (monthly) contract based Mobile Broadband package to include a FREE USB Modem, a Basic PC Protection suit and 3GigaByte's (GB) of monthly data usage for just £15 per month. Some other providers would lock you into a 12 month or more contract for the same.

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26th Apr, 2010 23:28 PM
The Smith Media Group has launched a new 'up to' 24Mbps speed heavy usage (500GB) broadband package that also bundles a FREE XBox360 Arcade video game console with one controller; 18 month minimum contract term applies.

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26th Apr, 2010 13:17 PM
The UK Internet Service Providers Association ( ISPA ) has accepted an invitation to be a partner of Race Online 2012. Led by the UK’s Digital Champion Martha Lane Fox, the project aims to turn the UK into one of the first countries in the world to establish a fully online, internet enabled society.

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26th Apr, 2010 12:16 PM
Cable giant and UK ISP Virgin Media has today announced the launch of its legal internet based broadband movies service - Virgin Media Online Movies. Customers will be able to stream their choice of film on-demand directly to computers and you don't need to be a customer to do it.

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